Get, Delete, Head

The Get, Delete and Head methods perform a HTTP request on a resource, they take one optional parameter representing the resource identity (must be a primitive type type).

//Perform a HTTP GET to
dynamic client = new RestClient("");

var getUserResult = await client.Users(1).Get();
var deleteUserResult = await client.Users(1).Delete();
await client.Users(1).Head();

Get, Delete and Head also optionally take an value (must be a primitive type ) representing the resource identity.

//Perform a HTTP GET to
dynamic client = new RestClient("");

var getUserResult = await client.Users().Get(1);
var deleteUserResult = await client.Users().Delete(1);
await client.Users().Head(1);

These examples both perform the same action on just pick what suits your coding style.

You can find more usage examples in the DalSoft.RestClient.Test.Unit and DalSoft.RestClient.Test.Integration projects.